Friday 22 August 2014

A Welcome to Scientific Blogging

Welcome to my blog. 

I will be writing a far from from impartial and heavily biased account of recent scientific discoveries and stories of interest. I will do my utmost to make this not sound like bitching and moaning but I entirely intend to voice my opinions on common misconceptions on everyday topics.

A bit about me: I have recently graduated in animal biology and am a few months away from travelling the world. I one day hope to pursue a career in pharmaceuticals due to my interest in diseases and cell biology but for now I just wanted to keep myself stimulated by researching and writing this blog. 

I hope you enjoy it! I welcome comments and if I haven't been clear on some aspects or if I am wrong about something (which will happen, I guarantee that) please let me know and I will do my best to clarify.



P.S - Below is the only photo that I have appropriate for this blog, typically they would include alcohol or lack of clothing.

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